Friday, February 12, 2010


New Studies Show Smoking IS Cool. Researchers have concluded that smoking does up the cool quotient for a certain percentage of smokers.

In a double blind, one week study, four out of five people who regularly smoked cigarettes were found to look cool doing it. Researchers noted that in recent years smokers have been reviled for their habit, with public places becoming less hospitable to those who choose to light up.

In the study, those smokers who didn't give a fuck were the ones who possessed the most cool. Shameful smokers, like those who sneak cigarettes under the cover of night or deny their smoky ways, were found to possess little or no cool.The study followed five smokers, four of whom blatantly flaunted their addiction, in their daily lives. Amongst the four who had no qualms about their habit, researchers observed that non-smokers around them viewed the smokers as confident, attractive, hard working, and motivated. The lone smoker that apologized for their habit was viewed as weak-willed, dirty, messy, and ugly.

Researchers based the findings of this study on the looks on peoples faces as the smokers lit up around them. "The eyes can be very telling." head researcher Dr. Joseph DeKokomo said in a statement released Thursday. "We also took into account the facial movements of non-smokers when looking at smokers. Our study shows minute twitches around the mouth which could indicate envy or that the non-smokers were choking on a cough."

Dr. Joseph DeKokomo, a two pack a day smoker of Newport 100's, expects this information could change the common perception about smoking and possibly induce more young people to take up nicotine. "Smoking is cool. Period. The sooner people realize this, the better."

Story by: Jane Qunicy Public


  1. Smoker's who flaunt it smell better than those wimps who hide it. Grow a pear...those are the Marlboro's of the fruit world. Cowboys love them. Fruit world? That wierd.
