Tuesday, February 16, 2010


After millennia of bullying, the wedgies, forced homework, and girl-getting reign of tyranny is coming to an end in a gloriously formulaic story-book tale of irony. The battle of brain versus brawn, is deciding the war in the golden age of technology rapidly taking shape around us.

Now that waify, effeminate, weirdos with thick glasses and poor hygiene are en vogue, nerds are getting all the play they can handle. With the shift in female interest gravitating towards those with higher IQ's, every undertaking of mankind seeks to enter the realm or nerddom, and nerdery has begun to flourish unfettered and proliferate exponentially across the globe.

Josh Speckler, a life long geek, explained that girls found his uncanny ability at guitar hero and flair with anagrams charming, and that Tommy Duffy, the captain of the football team, was now trying to get into World of War Craft parties and collecting pogs -affirming what he has believed his entire life, that jocks are actually the one who are the fags.

"I mean look at Bill Gates, look at Moby..." Speckler said "now look at Biff Tannen in 'Back to the Future' parts one, two, and three. Our time has come."

Amid speculation that the trend could be cyclical, nerds have bonded together together to form a ubiquitous technological infrastructure, tactfully creating dependency on their superior intelligence. "You can take my lunch money today, but don't come to me tomorrow and ask me to fix your computer." said Speckler "Sure, beat me up. I'll write your girl a sonnet and hack into your network."

These strategies have left jocks furrowing their cro-magnon brows in a vein attempt to understand the situation, and ultimately forcing them into supplicant humility as a joyous revelry now rightfully bestows the noble nerd.

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