Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Al Qaeda representative Shaikh Abdul Oyeah Mohamed, publicly announced this week that it plans to recall approximately 50,000 improvised explosive devices from terror cells worldwide, after facing increased scrutiny over the failed Christmas day bombing of flight 253 over Detroit.

Al Qaeda officials first reported the incident as an instance of martyr error, but new evidence released by the NSA crime laboratory in Washington D.C. shows that a faulty design is to blame. Mohamed has been criticized heavily in recent weeks for an off-the-record statement captured on audio tape where he was quoted as saying "Well, that's what you get when you use child slave labor."

Al Qaeda officials have been subject to mounting internal and external pressure, giving cause to reevaluate their quality control process.
"When I push that button I expect to get 40 virgins, not 40 years in Guantanamo Bay." said Aljeeit Madroors, a 20 year old student at the suicide bomber academy in Kabul. "My faith in Allah is total, but now I am not as sure about Al Qaeda." -a gap religious militants are eager to close.
Mohamed has said he will not appear before congress to testify on behalf of Al Qaeda, to defend claims that they are "failing to live up to the standards of a modern enemy" and 'not doing their part to "validate perpetual expansion of the western military industrial complex". Florida Senator Rick Barry has been the most outspoken critic of Mohamed, saying that "We've confiscated more effective devices in our public schools..." and that "If they're not going to do better than that, we might as well just go home."

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