Monday, February 22, 2010


Even with your neurotic hypochondria, your incessant hand sanitizing, your socially awkward 1.5 meter conversation barrier, and even your flu did it. You managed to catch a cold. Nice going asshole. Now everyone is mad at you, and rightfully so.

Go ahead, pump yourself full of every OTC expectorant in your medicine cabinet, buck up and head into work like the trooper you are. Face the barrage of remarks that are sure to improve your condition such as "You look terrible." and "You should have stayed home." not to mention common threats like "I swear to God, if you get me sick..."

OR, contrarily, play it safe and get the rest you need only to return to an abnormal excess of dirty looks and suspicious comments like "Enjoy your long weekend?" and "Somebody got the sniffles? Psst. Pussy."

"It ain't like I went to Wal Mart and purchased a cold." you said in your defense, but alas, your pleas for sympathy went ignored like so many congested groans, leaving you to lament in the failure of your immune system like some troglodytic leper.

Nature is cruel.

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