Friday, March 5, 2010


The answers are in, finally. Now we can all rest easier, knowing exactly what actually happened to the dinosaurs. It turns out they didn’t go extinct after all. They also must have been much more advanced then previously thought.

We now have irrefutable evidence that dinosaurs are actually alive and thriving, just not in today’s world. Apparently after studying ancient hieroglyphics left on Mayan temples that pre-date humans by millions of years, scientist find that many of these ancient temples were actually built by dinosaurs. Also we can credit the discovery of fire and the use of tools to these magnificent creatures as well.

“It all just makes sense” Dr. Protopuss explained. “ After watching the hit tv show Dinosaurs, we began to put two and two together. Doing these simple math problems really gets the creative juices going…. I mean the scientific process…not creative, that doesn’t even make sense. Science is facts…FACTS!!!”

After a few more minutes of babblings, Dr. Protopuss finally divulged the great discovery. Apparently, an asteroid struck earth millions of years ago. Luckily, the dinosaurs were able to escape using Star Gate technology millions of years into the future. The entire dinosaur history can be viewed via a pop-up scroll written for their young found at a site in the Dead Seas.

How come we are just finding out about this now? “Well many of the people in power have known the truth for some time and have covered it up. Being that it is the nature of human beings, we just took credit for all of the dinosaur’s discoveries and silenced all those who would have told the truth.” Dr. Protopuss than when on to say. “According to the calculations left on the walls and scrolls, the Dinosaurs traveled to the year 2012 A.D.. We should be meeting up with them pretty soon, and I think they may not be too happy with what they find." Copyright infringement anyone? J.B.

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