Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Jesse Percival, 17, is a huge Robert DeNiro fan, and he thinks he finally has it down after reciting that famous line from the movie Taxi Driver over and over again for two hours Tuesday afternoon. With plenty of practice under his belt he feels ready to ward off any foe, be they secret service agents or bullies.

"I think I just needed more practice." Says Percival, holding a bag of frozen peas to his eye. "I don't think he really bought it. I just didn't looked unstable enough you know? Like 'Oh shit, this guy's a little crazy. Maybe I don't wanna fuck with him...' but he called my bluff and punched me in the face."

Percival is referring to Marty Spinks, a senior who is a notorious bully. A lumbering brute with a mop of unkempt blond hair, heinous acne and wretched breath-he is as unpopular with the ladies as he is with those he torments. -And unfortunately for those people, the suffering of his shortcomings is their cross to bear.

"Yesterday in the lunch line he cut me, like he does everyday." Said Percival. The situation would have gone without incident until Spinks added insult to injury by farting on Percival's sloppy Joe. "I was either going to barf or cry. So I said to him 'You talking to me?'" Spinks responded "What? I didn't say anything." Percival repeated "Are you talking to me?" Then Spinks punched Percival in the eye.

As part of the school's zero-tolerance for violence policy, both youths were suspended. So while at home for the day, Percival thought he should take advantage of that time by practicing his defense in hopes that tomorrow's beating will be thwarted.

"I really feel like I'm channeling DeNiro's character when I do it. Now that I've mastered it, Spinks isn't even going to know what hit him."

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