Thursday, February 25, 2010


Darren Prill, a professional life coach from Pawtucket, Rhode Island died Thursday of an apparent suicide.

Adam Toney, a former client of Prill's, reacted publicly this weekend, stating that he was shocked and saddened by the news.

"Darren was more than just someone who helped me through my day to day life, he was a great friend, a loving and caring person. It always seemed like everything came so easily to him, like he had the world figured out. I don't think I've ever seen him without a smile on his face."

"After I moved out of the whore house where I was born, Darren helped me get a job as a meter maid so I could afford to pay him, but then I was unable to continue working because I was too obese. Darren agreed to work pro bono, saying that he believed so much in me that I could just pay him later at only 15% interest. He helped me with everything, from handling my checkbook, to grocery shopping, and also spending money at the strip club. He helped me find an apartment and even moved in so he could coach me full time. He was truly devoted...but eventually, I got my life together and lost touch with Darren."

In a detailed suicide note, Prill cited the hardships of unemployment and homelessness after losing his first and only client, and that generating new business became increasingly difficult when also attempting to panhandle.

Prill was 41, and is survived by his former client Adam Toney.

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