Monday, March 8, 2010


For all those languid lovelorn souls- terrified at the prospect of an inevitably bleak and dismal future not unlike your present, and cascading into the ever-after alone, your cries are but a single bit in an abysmal cyberscape, seemingly devoid of any love or meaning.

Starved for human contact, men clutch their desperation, nose picking, double clicking -while women juggle their three remaining eggs in a frenetic free-for-all of filtered flirtation.

Its sickening, and treacherous. Such Internet dating mediums have become a phenomena, forging a rich and vibrant lexicon of unmitigated bullshit...and traversing them often leaves users disillusioned victims to these intrinsic perils.

So before you go casting your hopes at the glimmering inking of possibility in your all-but-squashed imagination, first understand how to read between the lines because knowing how to translate euphemistic language can be critical.

Click on images to enhance.

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